This is Jennifer. Our warm, always encouraging and driven accredited practising dietitian.

Jennifer is a big believer in nourishment and balance over restriction and deprivation. She is passionate about using this philosophy to help people break dieting patterns and improve their eating habits and overall health. She also gets enormous satisfaction from witnessing people’s weight loss journeys and experiencing first-hand the joy it brings to achieve milestones and goals they never thought they could.

Since completing her Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2018, Jennifer has combined her training in nutrition and psychology with her practical experience and further developed her skills through additional study in the psychology of eating and weight and body image. She is also a member of the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) and the Australian and New Zealand Metabolic and Obesity Surgery Society (ANZMOSS).

Jennifer’s Italian heritage is fundamental to her love of food and understanding its social and cultural importance. It’s what enables her to approach her work from a balanced perspective that considers the emotional and social connection between food and health. Never one to stop learning, Jennifer’s next goal is to become a qualified FODMAP dietitian to better support people in the dietary management of bowel disorders and gut health.

Simply put, Jennifer’s ideal day off work involves shopping! But she also loves spending time with her greyhound Peggi or taking a hike in the Adelaide Hills. And, you might be surprised to learn that Jennifer is quite the pianist. She even made it to grade 8 of the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB).


Master of Nutrition and Dietetics (Elective in chronic disease management), Flinders University, 2018
Bachelor of Health Science (Nutrition & Psychology), University of Adelaide, 2016