This is Kahlia. Our bubbly, kind and highly personable accredited practising dietitian.

Kahlia didn’t grow up thinking she’d become a dietitian. In fact, she actually wanted to become a teacher. However, once she discovered that dietetics enabled her to combine three of her passions—education, health and food—her trajectory was set!

Currently, Kahlia is working towards publishing two research papers (through her honours project) and is preparing to speak at the Dietitian’s Australia Conference in Melbourne this year, presenting her research findings to teaching academics from around the globe.

Kahlia also volunteers with KickStart for Kids—undertaking many roles. Though, she is the first to admit that her favourite is running cooking classes with young teenagers to develop their nutritional knowledge and equip them with cooking skills for life.

Her ideal day off work involves scrolling Instagram—on the hunt for recipe inspiration—or planning her next holiday or a shopping spree. You might also be surprised to learn that Kahlia was a competitive alpaca handler throughout high school. Competing in agricultural shows across South Australia and winning the Royal Adelaide Show Junior Handler Championship in 2014.


Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons), Flinders University, 2022